Reclaiming IT: Empowering Local Authorities | EIS
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Reclaiming IT: Empowering Local Authorities

In the latest episode of The Cantium Podcast, we invite listeners to explore the pressing topic of local authorities regaining control over their IT operations. Hosted by Matt Cooper, Cantium’s Technical Account Director, this episode features Mark Milne, our lead account architect, who highlights the IT challenges that local authorities encounter.

Challenges faced by local authorities include significant budgetary constraints, legislative requirements, security concerns and governance issues. By reclaiming IT operations, local authorities aim to streamline their processes, enhance efficiency and regain critical oversight of their technological assets.

A primary focus of the discussion is around the cost benefits associated with insourcing. Many local authorities view the transition as a pathway to financial savings, yet Mark cautions that while there may be short-term benefits, it is vital not to overlook the efficiency and expertise that managed services offer. Such managed services can prove to be more cost-effective in the long run.

Throughout the episode, our expert panel outline the main hurdles local authorities face when considering insourcing. This includes aligning IT strategies with broader business goals, managing transitions between services and developing strategic roadmaps to pinpoint areas ripe for efficiency and improvement.

The podcast also addresses the skills gap that may arise during the transition to insourced services. Careful transition planning can help mitigate these concerns, ensuring that local authorities are prepared to meet the demands of modern IT environments.

The podcast covers the best approach for local authorities in executing their transition. Mark advises that organisations conduct thorough assessments of their current services, aligning them with their business strategies. The benefits of a hybrid model are also discussed on the podcast, where insourcing and outsourcing coexist.

This podcast serves as a valuable resource for local authorities contemplating the insourcing of their IT services. With insights from industry experts, we aim to provide the knowledge and strategies needed to navigate this intricate process successfully. Watch the full podcast to learn how local authorities can reclaim their IT operations and empower themselves in the digital age.