Join The New Microsoft Digital Champions Programme | EIS
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With a strong working partnership with Microsoft, Cantium are delighted to launch our new Digital Champions Programme to Cantium schools using Office 365.

In our conversations with schools it has become clear that although schools have Office 365 up and running, some staff and students are not sure how to get the best out of the products. We get questions such as;

  • How can I use Sharepoint for teaching?
  • What is Power Automate, and what can I use it for?
  • How can Microsoft Forms be used in school?
  • We are not sure how best to use teams in the classroom?
  • I have heard OneNote is great to use, but how does it work?
  • How can we collaborate better using Office 365?

The Digital Champions Programme is designed to help you discover the answers to these questions and get Office 365 working harder in your school.

How Does the Programme Work?

The programme starts with an introductory meeting with Microsoft experts who can show you how to use the products more effectively and bring more benefits to the classroom.

You assign Digital Champions in your school team to support the enhanced use of Office 365 with staff and students (using Cantium support to help).

You are offered a number of exciting events to attend whereby you can share your experiences with other schools, and bring a number of students along to share the experience. Digital Champions will then also be invited to attend BETT as VIP guests, to discuss Microsoft product use and how new technology could help, with students receiving a tour from the Microsoft team.

Finally, there will be a round up meeting in London to reflect on how the schools have made progress on their digital champions journey, giving students the chance to explore Microsoft’s ‘Experience Centre’ on Oxford Street, home to their infamous Xbox gaming lounge.

Throughout this programme, Cantium will support the schools use of Office 365 products, with the goal to further embed the products into school life and help your teachers in the classroom.

If you are interested in your school or establishment joining this programme, please contact our team by clicking here.