Freedom Of Information Requests - EIS
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You have the right to ask us for the recorded information we hold on any subject.

You can read a guide to making a freedom of information request on GOV.UK or read a guide from the Information Commissioner’s Office about accessing information from a public body.

How to make a freedom of information request

You can make a freedom of information request:

  • online
  • by email
  • by post.

If you make a freedom of information request, you will need to provide:

  • your name and an address for correspondence
  • what information is required
  • how you would prefer to receive this information. For example, a summary of the information, a copy of the documents that the information comes from, or a visit to inspect records in person.

We will then tell you in writing whether or not we hold the information you have asked for. If we do, we will either:

  • provide you with the information, in the format of your choice (where possible)
  • or tell you if any exemptions apply, meaning we can’t provide it.

Contact details

  • email
  • write to Data Protection Officer, Cantium Business Solutions, 1 Abbey Wood Road, Kings Hill, West Malling, England, ME19 4YT.
  • Submit the form below

Response time

We will respond to your request as soon as possible, and within 20 working days of us receiving your written request.

If your request is unclear, we will contact you to find out exactly what information you are looking for. The 20 working days begins from the date you confirm the details of your request.

Fees and charges

Most requests are free but you might be asked to pay a small amount for photocopies or postage. We will advise you of the cost and you will need to pay this before we proceed with your request.

If you refuse to pay then we are not obliged to supply the information you’ve asked for.

If the costs of getting the information will exceed £450 we do not have to comply with your request.

Withheld information

Here are 23 exemptions that can be used as justification to withhold information. These include things like if releasing the information would breach the data protection legislation, would prejudice an ongoing court case or would hinder the prevention or detection of crime.

We will tell you why we are not providing the information you have asked for, which exemption applies and how you can get our decision reviewed.

If you are still unhappy with our response after the review, you can complain to the Information Commissioner.

Make a Freedom of Information Request

Please provide as much detail as possible. This will help us to process your request quickly and efficiently. Where appropriate, include names, dates, references and descriptions to enable us to identify and locate the required information. Your request may also incur a charge for printing, copying or postage. We will contact you if we require further information or for your approval if a charge has to be made.

If your request is for your own personal data or that of another living person, please submit your request to

Please enter your request details below.