Woodland Academy Trust SIMS And FMS Upgrades | EIS
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When Your Multi Academy Trust Is in Two Different Counties, How Can You Bring Together Your Key Management Systems in Order to Save Money?

As the Woodland Academy Trust were expanding and finding ways be more budget efficient, they wanted to host their SIMS and FMS databases for all four primary academies together, off site. EIS, formerly Cantium Business Solutions, showed them how they could save money, access their systems remotely and possibly give their existing IT infrastructure a longer lifespan.

The Woodland Academy Trust is currently made up of four primary academies, three in the London Borough of Bexley and one in Kent. They approached us to find an alternative hosting service for their SIMS and FMS databases for their London based academies, as their Kent based academy was already utilising this service with us. We demonstrated their Hosting Service to the trust, which culminated in them moving the three remaining academies for the provision of database hosting, and MIS support services.

Photograph of two desktop monitors, one showing an analytics dashboard.

The Challenge

Implementing the EIS, formerly Cantium Business Solutions, hosting solution offers further benefit as the computers used by staff in the four academies could have a much longer lifespan; with no need to run SIMS or FMS locally, the only requirement for desktops and laptops is that they use Windows 7 or above and Internet Explorer 9 or above and this can significantly increase the time between renewals of this equipment.
As part of the service, Woodland Academy Trust also wanted to ensure that their FMS Multiview could continue to be used to support the management of finance at the Trust level, consolidating the data across all four academies. FMS Multiview provides a range of dashboards that give the Trust an overview of financial performance, by extracting FMS data from the individual academies. We were able to implement FMS Multiview as part of the EIS Hosting Service solution, giving the Academy Trust access to their key financial data online.
Photograph of Cantium employees having a conversation in a small booth with a red background.

The Result

All this culminated in the school achieving an Outstanding OFSTED award in March 2017 including a specific comment relating to work done by EIS:

“Assessment procedures are in place to track pupils progress through the schools bespoke curriculum. This robust tracking system is being used systematically by staff to bring about rapid improvements to outcomes for individuals and groups of pupils. Leaders analysis of pupils performance information is extensive and accurate, which allows them to intervene swiftly to ensure that no pupils are left behind and the most able pupils are doing as well as they should.”


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